Friday, July 3, 2009

Okay Toni. . . this update is for you!

Awhile back I had the opportunity to sub in Primary, such fun, and a friend reminded me that she was waiting for an update on the blog thing. I laughed because I thought my last post said it all, I don't really blog, but yet here I am. . . posting.
I admit, I love this blogging thing, it is so fun to read what everyone is doing or even not doing. I actually even joined facebook, awhile ago as well. I have not even begun to figure it out. I never post a status on it either. The neat part about facebook though was being found by people I hadn't seen or heard from in years, at least sometimes it's fun. Actually one was really amazing, it was a girl I met backpacking in New Mexico over 20 years ago.
I am just not consistent though with the updating, not with blogging or facebook and let's not even get into the twitter thing or skype. I know my season will come when I will take the time to write down all of our everyday adventures (I do keep notes). I have just always been a slow starter and am very shy about sharing the personal things. I am sure I will get over it someday, thanks Toni and others for the prodding to update, I appreciate it.

Here are a couple of new pictures. . .

My niece, Heather was married to the love of her life, Nate, this June. Here are Sam and Abby congratulating the beautiful bride!


Jill said...

Always leave 'em wanting more ;)

Love those sweeT kids!

the Dover Family said...

Love the pictures, love the update and love your family!! I was very excited to see you had updated your blog. You are an amazing woman Minty Potter and I know you don't think so, but you are. :)

Gary and Michelle said...

Heather made a beautiful bride and she looked so happy.

Of course Abby and Sam are always cute in every picture they take. Love being their aunt.

Chandra said...

Well I believe my friends we have just witnessed a MIRACLE!! So if you're going to post now I'll have to link you on my blog.

Allred Family said...

Love Love Love it.....I cannot believe how Big Sam and Abby are getting, Abby has the most Beautiful smile!!!!! Blogging is so much fun, so glad you are slowly updating, I cannot wait to read more!!!!!!!!

Britta and Julia said...

Congratulations Minty for starting a blog. I am not that good at updating often either.(I have my moments). I love to read up on people that I don't see everyday and it's fun to see pictures of how much they're growing up. Feel free to look at my blog often. Your family is so beautiful!

Julianne said...

20 years after hiking in New Mexico?! That is amazing! I'll have to find ya on Facebook.

Love your family picture, those beautiful babies of yours have grown into beautiful children!

Brad and Leslie said...

It's about time girl! I need to remember to add you guys to my list...I'm really bad at that!